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- Mr. Casaro, do you recall how the job of doing the movie poster for CONAN THE BARBARIAN came to you?
- The job was ordered and done for Dino De Laurentiis Production.
- At the time, were you familiar with the character?
- Yes, I already knew Conan from the comic books.
- What was your degree of liberty?
- The job was done completely by myself, presenting sketches to Dino De Laurentiis personally - he approved one among many presented images. After his approval, I did the final key art.
- The film was conceived as a star vehicle for Schwarzenegger. How did that translate into your artwork?
- In fact, CONAN THE BARBARIAN was the breakthrough of Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie business! Dino De Laurentiis insisted to make Schwarzenegger recognizable, which means to create the "vice versa" effect that Conan is Schwarzenegger and Schwarzenegger is Conan.
- Universal had already used a Frazetta painting to advertize the movie. Was his work inspirational? And was nudity a no-no? Since the producers were having lots of problems with the MPAA about violence and nudity...
- When I worked on CONAN, I was living in Rome and I didn't know what Universal had done before I created the poster. But I certainly knew (and adored) Frazetta's work and, inevitably, I was inspired by his style. But, as I already said, I had to paint a movie poster featuring Schwarzenegger, together with the (not nude) actress. In the very first version of my poster, Conan/Schwarzenegger kept in his right hand a bloody skull. This was removed, by order of De Laurentiis - perhaps, but I don't know this, by request of MPAA regarding violence...
- Movie poster artists usually are given source material to help them along. Do you remember what you got for CONAN?
- The movie was produced in Almeria, Spain. So I was several times on the set, for studies and taking photos during the shooting. In Almeria, I also saw the daily shot samples. This was my source material.
- Did you ever consider including Subotai in your artwork?
- No. It was never in consideration to put three persons on the movie poster.
- Did you ever recycle any of your unused CONAN concepts when working on later posters (possibly the IRON MASTER one)?
- No, I never "recycled" a not used idea for another movie poster. I don't even remember the IRON MASTER poster you are talking about.
- I think I found two of the still shots that you may have used. I noticed that you gave Valeria some very sexy metal bikini... As for Conan, you obviously gave him a new helmet...
- As I said, the working material was made by myself during the shooting in Spain. Some of the "dress" on the poster is real, other is from my creative vision (for example, the helmet).
- The idea of having Conan walking towards us (instead of just standing there) was just brilliant!
- Yes, I decided to show Conan walking as to create "action" on the poster.
- Did you paint Conan's body from another production still?
- No. It's not really Schwarzenegger's body at that time.
- Some friend of mine told me to ask you why Conan's scabbard is curved, whereas his sword isn't?
- Please tell your friend this is artistic license! (laughs) Perhaps he should watch the girl's sword?
- Also, do you remember if you painted Conan's belt from some production still, or just created it? Because he never wears such a belt in the movie (only in the sequel)!
- The belt is also a mixed product: part of the movie, part of my vision.
- The birds flying in the sky around the two main characters, are they eagles or vultures?
- They are vultures.
- The overall composition reminds me a little bit of the famous Tom Jung STAR WARS poster, with the brandished sword, the sparkle on the blade, and the woman crouching beside the man. Was this accidental or intentional?
- As a matter of fact, the CONAN movie poster was created much earlier than STAR WARS. Sometimes, such things happen.
- Tell me about color composition...
- Red/black has anyway a dramatic effect and is an eye-catch. The black background is also useful to include the title of the movie.
- Do you remember how long it took you to do the poster, from concept to final rendering?
- I would say more or less one month.
- Do you still have the original?
- Yes, I have it (together with all others) in my private collection. It's not for single sale. But we occasionally put it into exhibitions.
- Did you ever make any copy?
- No. We didn't produce yet reproductions, except the normal movie poster.
- What would you say was the most challenging part of creating this first CONAN poster?
- Everything! (laughs)
- And, looking back now, what do you think of it?
- I think my CONAN poster is a classic and if I had to redo it right now, I would do it in the same way.
- Usually, when a film goes to other countries, the poster changes. Were you involved too in some of the foreign posters?
- Yes. The German version, for example, was specifically done on request of the German distributor as to produce a huge display to be put in the cinema entrances. The painting, therefore, was done by me. Sometimes, other elements were added into the key art, like in the Thai version, but I'm not concerned with that.
- Did you ever get any feedback on your CONAN poster from any of the pepole involved in the movie?
- Dino De Laurentiis was very happy with my work - he paid the invoice very fast! (laughs) Mr. Schwarzenegger once asked where the originals of the painting are. Now, he knows it!
- If I am not mistaken, CONAN was your first Schwarzenegger poster. But you did several other ones, including the CONAN sequel and RED SONJA...
- Yes, it was my first Schwarzenegger poster and, in a certain way, Dino De Laurentiis and I made him! If you do the right job with the first piece of a series, there is no more great challenge in the following jobs. But it is anyway difficult to create something new for an already existing image. For sure, CONAN brought me luck. After it, I did nearly all Schwarzenegger movie posters, various fantasy movies, Stallone movies, etc.
- Many thanks to you for taking the time to do this interview!
- De nada!
Interview by MightyMcT.